
Welcome to the College of Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology


The College of Sciences at Georgia Tech cultivates curiosity, encourages exploration, and fosters innovation to develop scientific solutions for a better world. Working across six internationally ranked schools with the brightest young minds in our fields, we mentor future leaders to identify and push the frontiers of human knowledge, imagination, and innovation. superwingy下载官网

Latest News

Bioethics Course
‘Autonomy, Beneficence, and Justice’: Summer Bioethics Course Teaches Fundamental Theories and Thinking, Sparks Covid-19 Conversations
Goodisman’s remote summer course is teaching the basics of bioethics and engaging students in healthy debate and discussion about the Covid-19 pandemic.
Clathrate crystals in various stages of growth, along with control treatments (top left, top middle samples).
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If science can figure out a safe, eco-friendly way to manipulate clathrates, then a wide range of disciplines and industries could benefit from the applications. A unique interdisciplinary team of Georgia Tech researchers may have found a way to accomplish that goal, using proteins embedded in bacteria from deep below the Earth’s surface to bind to clathrates and change them.
The Hidden Social Networks of Microbes
Gina Lewin, postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Marvin Whiteley, investigates the interactions between oral microbes.
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Courtney Astore is balancing teaching, classes, and research this summer.
Stay at Home Summer: Courtney Astore Balances a Packed Schedule with Comedy, Community Connections
Astore balances summer work with staying connected with others through social media blog page and virtual meetings. 
Nylah Boone uses social media to stay connected with others even while at home.
Stay at Home Summer: Nylah Boone Stays Connected with Social Media, Incorporates Self-Care Activities
The fifth-year neuroscience major is taking advantage of this summer’s unique circumstances to spend extra time with her family and work on her social media brand.
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New research from Center for Chemical Evolution experimentally evaluates alternative model to ‘RNA World’ hypothesis, emphasizing collaboration and co-evolution

Experts In The News

  • ios上推特教程

    “Our goal was to better understand the impact that COVID-19 was having on the mental well-being of healthcare workers,” says Ann Pearman, corresponding author of the study and a senior research scientist in the School of Psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology. Related Coverage: Futurity, News-Medical.

    NC State University, Jul 30, 2020

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    Monday on Political Rewind, a look at how Georgia public schools and the state’s universities continue to grapple with how to hold classes safely as the school year begins. Joshua Weitz, Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Weitz Group, joins as a panelist. 

    Georgia Public Broadcasting, Jul 27, 2020

  • The pandemic’s shapeshifting economy

    Researchers at Georgia Tech launched an interactive site so that users can visualize and assess the risk that people with Covid-19 will be present at a wedding, party or other event they are planning to attend. Nightly's Myah Ward talked to lead developer Joshua Weitz about the tool and what he wants it to accomplish.

    superwingy官网, Jul 25, 2020

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    In “2100: A Climate Odyssey,” North America’s largest time machine would teleport the audience to the Puente Hills Landfill in Los Angeles County, the Great Barrier Reef, the Congo Basin, and Siberia, Russia. The drama was advertised to show how climate change would alter these places by the end of the century. As the show came to a close, some real-life science professionals made their way on the stage to answer questions, including Kim Cobb and Carl Parker, a meteorologist from The Weather Channel.

    The Xylom, Jul 24, 2020


Science and Projections for a Return to Campus
如何自己搭建SSR/SS服务端教程:2021-4-18 · 之前博主写过关于搭建ss、outline的教程,但是篇幅相对较长,对于计算机完全小白的人来说,就算是简单的粘贴复制命令,他们都很头疼,根本无从下手,所以又写了这篇新文章,教你一键安装ss或ssr服务端,并提供后续的详细步骤。
08 to 14
Week of Welcome 2020
While this isn’t the first week of college most imagined, we’re doing our best to safely provide you with rich opportunities to find connection and feel welcome at Georgia Tech.
14 to 18
"Nanostructured Materials: Plasmonics in Nanocomposite Materials" Symposium at the 2021 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
This symposium will be held at The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Orlando, Florida.
09 to 14
AbSciCon 2021
The conference brings the astrobiology community together every two years to share research, collaborate, and plan for the future.